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'Palmpasen' the Sunday before Easter celebrated in Gendt

Brrr, it's Springtime but still bitter cold, this Sunday before Easter. The Leferink family here, Frans the local teacher, his wife Riet and their youngest daughter Jacqueline are celebrating 'Palmpasen'.
At Palm Easter, in The Netherlands, many families bake special breads. These "palmpasen broodjes" (Palm Easter breads) are baked in the weekend before the actual Easter and hold special forms.
Examples are: the Easter bunny with an egg in his belly and his hands folded over the egg / the traditional rooster with raisins for eyes and decorations.
This last item is put on top of a cross (two sticks made together) and dressed up with colourful paper or nuts, fruit and sometimes even candy).
Palm Sunday (Palmpasen)

Palmpasen, the Sunday before Easter, used to be the Christian
celebration of the festive entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, where a
cheerful crowd, waving with palm leaves, welcomed Him.
For centuries people formed processions; a wooden donkey or horse
symbolized the mount of Jesus Christ, and because palm trees were not
found in Holland, people waved with buxus (boxwood) branches, while
singing psalms. The "palms" were blessed in church and were a protection
against misfortune, crop failure and cattle disease. The palms were
often attached to the stables like flagpoles.

After the Reformation, these kinds of processions were no longer
allowed, because those were considered "popish spectacles". In 1635
singing and walking with a Palm or "any other vegetables" was not
allowed. In 1769, however, it had become a real children's feast; the
religious aspects had all disappeared. On Palm Sunday the children
walked in procession with crosses, decorated with oranges, painted eggs,
figs, flags and flowers. On top of it was a rooster, made of bread. Even
today, in some places, there are children's contests, about which child
had made the finest palm tree.