Frans Cornelissen helps out with transport.
Many of us couldn't afford a car in the beginning, so old timer Frans (with baret) offered many of his compatriots the use of his burgundy Mayflower, as in this case he brought the young Beus family to and from church. One Sunday morning as I started to walk the mile long journey to Hayden Road, he hailed me to step in his shiny vehicle. When on Westall Road we met a car coming the opposite direction, Frans slowed down to a crawling pace and made sure there was enough space between him and the other car. He was successful in that, but his Mayflower slid at the gravel edge into a ditch alongside the narrow road.(now it's a six lane highway) Here we were in our Sunday's best pushing and shoving his automobile from its muddy and slippery location.
© Bernard Bosmans Photography