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St. Jansschool Arnhem where my sister went in the late thirties

Jacqueline in the meantime was enrolled at her primary school ‘R.K. Bijzondere School’ as it was chiselled in the stonework.
The school was in St. Jansstreet, right in the heart of the city in one of Arnhem’s busy shopping streets. (This photo is from a few years earlier)
This school was build for the sisters of Insula Dei in 1886 and demolished 75 years later to make room for 3-Suisses wool store.
On the right one can see the building with the two gables where Jacqueline did receive her education, on the left Mr Lensen ran his specialty business in smoking articles and opposite, on the other corner was Café Restaurant Riche, a famous place and popular with many, also for our uncle Jacques Bosmans and later it became a hang-out for our older niece Annie Melde-Bosmans as well.
In 2003, the cosy café was transformed to a branch of Burger King.
Most young ones wouldn’t be sad about that, but many oldies from Arnhem must have shed a tear or two.
Also to be seen in this photo far left, is the what we called the ‘peperbus’ a four metre high round structure build for the purpose of pasting posters advertising the latest merchandise or how to vote for a particular political party.
Jacqueline, always with a big bow in her hair, came home in a two kilometre daily stroll done four times a day, as we all came home at noon for our warm meal.
‘Mum can I have a yo-yo please’?
‘What’s that’, a pre-occupied mother replied. ‘Mum everyone in school has one’. Yes indeed it was a rage among the kids of the day.
St. Jansschool Arnhem where my sister went in the late thirties